1. Technological Educational Institution of Athens, Ag Spyridona, Aigaleo 12210, Greece E-mail: amavridou@teiath.gr
2. Equally contributed
3. Water Supply & Sewerage Company of Athens, 156, Oropou street, Galatsi 11146, Greece E-mail: esmeti@eydap.gr; ginamicro@eydap.gr
4. National School of Public Health 196, Alexandras Av, Athens 11521, Greece E-mail: olpap79@yahoo.gr; avatopou@nsph.gr; gmandil@nsph.gr
5. Central Public Health Laboratory, 196, Alexandras Av, Athens 11521, Greece E-mail: kedy@otenet.gr
6. Aristoteleion University, University Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece E-mail: vayona@med.auth.gr
7. Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis 68100, Greece E-mail: avantar@med.upatras.gr
8. Centre of Water and Food Analysis, 46, Alexander street, Thessalonika 55133, Greece E-mail: atzouano@yahoo.gr
9. Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Gournes Pediados, P.O. Box 2214, Heraklion, Greece E-mail: moshoula@imbc.gr
10. Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewage of Heraklion, 1, Vironos street, Heraklion, Greece E-mail: deyah-b@her.forthnet.gr
11. Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewage of Chania, 29 Kydonias street, Chania 73135, Greece E-mail: vmaraka@yahoo.com
12. General Chemistry, General Chemical State Laboratory of Rhodes, 17, Haritou street, Rhodes 8510, Greece E-mail: xyrhod@rho.forthnet.gr
13. Ministry of Health, 17, Aristotelous street, Athens 10187, Greece E-mail: ymp@mohaw.gr