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2. Bobkov, S.A. and Kurushin, D.S., Research of dependence of quality and speed of speech recognition on the size of a training sample for a dialogue system on CMU SPHINX, Materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii “Avtomatizirovannye sistemy upravleniya i informatsionnye tekhnologii” (Proc. All-Russ. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Automated Control Systems and Information Technologies”), Perm, 2019.
3. An overview of classification methods of machine learning using Scikit-Learn. https://tproger.ru/translations/scikit-learn-in-python/. Accessed February 2, 2020.
4. What are hidden Markov’s models. https://habr.com/ru/post/135281/ Accessed February 2, 2020.
5. Example of a dialogue scheme for learning English. https://github.com/daniel-kurushin/three_word_english/blob/master/10.jpg. Accessed June 25, 2020.