Self-employed under sanctions, problems and development trends


Sverdlikova E. A.1,Selezneva A. S.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article presents an analysis of the results of an original study carried out by the method of content analysis of Russian social networks and devoted to the perception of the situation of the self-employed under sanctions, problems and development trends. The dynamics of interest in specific problems during 2022 grew as follows: from legal problems to problems of self-development, relationships with companies in crisis, state support, to understanding permitted activities and new opportunities in crisis. Among the prospects for further development of self-employment in the Russian Federation are the following: self-development, collective help and tips (life hacks), cooperation with companies, state support, Internet sites. Based on the analysis of the results of the study, it can be assumed that certain types of promising social partnerships between the self-employed, the state and business structures are already being formed in the field of employment.


Faculty of Sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Engineering

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2. “High performance work system”: challenges and good practices of organizations around the world;Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science;2023-11-05







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