Inadequate analyses and perfecting of fodder quality standards


Popov Vladimir1


1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»


Article is devoted the basic sources of errors at quality definition of bulky forages – by sampling, by amendments at definition of the dry matter content, to infringement of a technique of crude fiber determination. It is impossible to eliminate the errors admitted at the initial stages of the analysis using any subsequent operations and results of a forage quality estimation can appear, thus, absolutely unsuitable for successful application. In this connection questions of perfection of standardization of forage quality by the severe control over observance of a technique of forages sampling, uses of corresponding techniques of dry matter definition depending on a kind of a forage and the strict execution of all stages of a crude fiber definition are discussed. The brief information on addition of new standards with norms of NDF and ADF content for quality categories of bulky forages is given.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

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