1. Severo-Kavkazskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gornogo i predgornogo sel'skogo hozyaystva – filial Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo byudzhetnogo uchrezhdeniya nauki Federal'nogo nauchnogo centra «Vladikavkazskiy nauchnyy centr Rossiyskoy akademii nauk»
2. Severo-Kavkazskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gornogo i predgornogo sel'skogo hozyaystva – filial Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo byudzhetnogo uchrezhdeniya nauki FNC «Vladikavkazskiy nauchnyy centr Rossiyskoy akademii nauk»
The article describes the technology and descriptions of aggregates for harvesting hay on mountain slopes. The aim of the study is to reduce the loss of green mass when harvesting hay using mining modification aggregates, to improve the safety of hay using a preservative (table salt). Tests of this technology were carried out in the mountainous area of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania (Dargava basin, the stronghold of SKNIIGPSH) at an altitude of 1540 m above sea level of the southeastern exposure with a slope steepness of up to 15º. It was found that the content of feed units in compressed hay increased by 32.1%; dry matter by 29.6%; crude protein by 17.3%; fat by 7.4%; fiber by 14.2%; sugar by 17.6%; metabolic energy by 8.0%. With an increase in the nutritional value of the feed mass, the digestibility of harvested feed increases by 18.5%, which positively affects the physiological condition of animals in the winter stall period, increasing milk yield by 11.7%.
Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology
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