
Volovik Valentina1


1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»


A review of the literature on the significance, biological features, and use of white mustard is presented. White mustard is one of the most precocious crops of the cabbage family. It is used as a forage and sideral crop. It has a large yield of green mass, is unpretentious in cultivation, it can be used from early spring to late autumn. When sown as an intermediate crop, white mustard plants in the early flowering phase contain 21–25% protein, 24–27% fiber in the dry matter; the nutritional value of 1 kg of dry matter is 0.7–0.8 feed units. Great preceding crop, phytomeliorant and phytoremediate soil, improves the physical properties of soils. It is used in multicomponent mixtures for green fodder and as a supporting crop in mixed agrocenoses with legumes, and is increasingly used as a cover crop for perennial grasses. The oil is used in the food industry and for biofuel production. Seeds, cake and meal are used in the medical, cosmetic, food, chemical industries, have herbicidal and insecticidal properties when used in biological agriculture. White mustard is characterized by such positive economic signs, as the resistance to cracking of pods, the early blight, heat stress, insect pests and nematodes; used in distant hybridization with rapeseed spring with the aim of improving rapeseed on a number of sings. For 2020, 19 varieties of white mustard are allowed to be used, 4 of them are foreign, and 5 varieties are declared as non-erucic. The variety of white mustard Lugovskaya, created in the Federal Research Center "VIK named after V.R. Williams", is used for forage and sideration purposes both in the main and in intermediate crops. The vegetation period in the Center Non-Chernozem zone is from 78 to 92 days. Seed yield from 1.94 to 2.35 t/ha, yield of green mass when sown in spring from 19.9 to 23.4 t/ha, dry matter – from 2.5 to 3.9 t/ha.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

Reference78 articles.

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