1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»
The area of cultivation of perennial grasses and their productivity are determined by the biological capabilities of plants to adapt to natural soil and climatic conditions. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is a mesophilic species with a limited winter hardiness resource. The purpose of the work is to conduct acomparative assessment of the effectiveness and stability of the yield level of perennial ryegrass seeds in various places in the area of its cultivation and, taking into account the agroclimatic resource of the territories, to identify areas with the highest potential for effective commercial seed production. It has been established that the cultivation of perennial ryegrass for feed purposes is most effective in areas where the values of the hydrothermal coefficient for the growing season are 1.3–1.4 and higher. When cultivated for seeds, the HTC values are optimal in the range from 1.1–1.2 to 1.3–1.4. The highest probability of obtaining high yields in terms of the provision of agroclimatic resources of 83% is in the Central region, as well as parts of the adjacent regions of the North-Western region. This allows us to classify this area as a zone of sustainable seed production of perennial ryegrass. On average, seed yield in the first year of use in the Central region was in the range of 0.53–0.84 t/ha with Cv 16.3–27.4%, in the second year of use — 0.15– 0.36 t/ha with Cv 19.9–32.9%. Based on the assessment of the level and stability of seed yields and their comparison with natural resources in the area of cultivation of perennial ryegrass, the zone of effective commercial seed production is generally limited from the north and northeast schematically along the line St. Petersburg – Vologda – Kirov – Perm, from the south and the southwestern — line Bryansk – Orel – Lipetsk – Tambov – Saransk – Kazan – Izhevsk.
Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology
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