
Gaganov Anatoly1


1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»


The main requirement for feeding livestock is its high intensity. The production of feed in accordance with the requirements of animals requires accurate measurement of their quantity and quality. Among the large number of traits that characterize plants, some of them can be considered as indicators that change in close connection with the productivity of animals. The concept of quality is close to the concept of feed nutrition. The feed product of a certain quality category must have the established digestibility and content of the main nutrients that are of primary importance for the productivity of animals. The modern system of standardization of bulky feeds is based on the technological features of their preparation and their chemical composition. It will not be enough to rely only on chemical composition indicators when developing standards. The economic component of the established parameters of the quality of bulky feed should also be taken into account. Standards should determine the degree of intensification of livestock production. The most important indicators for evaluating the quality of bulky feed should also include indicators that allow us to assess them most fully from the point of view of their impact on the productivity of animals. These indicators can be dry matter, raw protein — as the basis of protein nutrition, raw fiber — as an indicator of the digestibility of organic matter, and, accordingly, energy nutrition and consumption of dry matter. The substantiation of the quality classes of bulky feeds and their economic efficiency is given.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

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