1. French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS), Department of Coordination of Alerts and Regions (DCAR), Regional office in Aquitaine
2. European Program for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
3. Both authors contributed equally as first authors
4. InVS, DCAR, Regional office Ile-de-France and Champagne-Ardenne, Chalons en Champagne, France
5. Regional health authority (ARS) Champagne-Ardennes
6. InVS, DCAR, Regional office North, France
7. InVS, DCAR, Regional office Rhône-Alpes, France
8. University hospital Grenoble, Hôpital A. Michallon, Boulevard de la Chantourne, La Tronche, France
9. InVS, Department of infectious diseases, Unit of respiratory and vaccine preventable diseases, France
10. InVS, Department of infectious diseases, France
11. Both authors contributed equally as last authors