Windi Astuti ,Kiki Rizqi Ependi ,Nandini Dian Ayu ,Tika Emiliasari ,Irna Karunia Min Allooh
Introduction : Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease which the number of incident increasing these years. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) placed Indonesia in the top 7 in the world as the number of DM patient aged 20-79 years reached 8.5 million people in 2013. Based on RISKESDAS result in 2007, DM prevalence increase from 1,1% to 2,1% in 2013. Blood glucose can be controlled by controlled diet and stress management. Stress management can be done with Progressive Muscle Therapy (PMR) in the form of mind-body therapy in complementaru therapy. PMR is one of the non-pharmacologies therapy which believed can reduced blood glucose level. Method : Searching journal articles is done in electronic media. The database comes from several sources such as: Science Direct, Elsevier, ProQuest, and Google Scholar. The keywords used were "Progerive Muscle Relaxation / Muscle Relactation" and "DM / Diabetic". The time range used is between 2014-2019. Until finally 5 journal articles were reviewed for review. Result :PMR therapy has proven effective for reducing blood sugar levels in diabetes, both in type I diabetes and getational diabetes. This therapy is also safe and easy to do because it does not require equipment.Discussions: PMR therapy given to patients needs to be done regularly. Results cannot be obtained instantly. Need to intervene several times. There needs to be socialization to promote this therapy to the community. Conclusion: PMR exercises are effective for reducing blood sugar levels in diabetic patients in both type 1 DM and gestational diabetes. This therapy is effective if carried out continuously, according to rhythm, intensity, progressiveness, and strength.
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
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