Complex-formation between triphosphoinositide and experimental allergic encephalitogenic protein


Palmer F. B.1,Dawson R. M. C.1


1. Department of Biochemistry, Agricultural Research Council Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, Cambridge


1. Reactions between triphosphoinositide and the basic experimental allergic encephalitogenic (EAE) protein were examined in aqueous solution and in a biphasic solvent system (chloroform–methanol–water, 8:4:3, by vol.). 2. In the absence of salt an insoluble complex (I) is formed containing triphosphoinositide and EAE protein in proportions that represent complete neutralization of lipid and protein at the pH concerned. 3. In the presence of a low concentration (0·05m) of sodium chloride an insoluble positively charged complex (II) forms. It contains triphosphoinositide and EAE protein in a lower concentration ratio than complex I. This complex, which has a constant composition between pH7·5 and pH10, can take up additional micellar triphosphoinositide producing complex I, which can then be solubilized by excess of triphosphoinositide. 4. The complexes are dissociated by more concentrated sodium chloride solutions and low concentrations of calcium chloride, suggesting that they are largely stabilized by electrostatic bonds. The protein recovered after dissociation is immunologically active and has the same electrophoretic mobility as the original. 5. Water-insoluble ternary complexes containing triphosphoinositide, EAE protein and large amounts of phosphatidylcholine can be prepared. From these, chloroform–methanol (2:1, v/v) extracts only phosphatidylcholine. 6. An insoluble ternary complex of Ca2+ ion, EAE protein and triphosphoinositide can be prepared by adding calcium chloride to a complex I preparation solubilized by excess of triphosphoinositide. 7. EAE protein will also form complexes with other acidic phospholipids, e.g. phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol, but not with phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine. The phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine complexes are chloroform soluble, i.e. proteolipids. 8. The possibility that complexes between EAE protein and acidic phospholipids occur in vivo is discussed. Triphosphoinositide and EAE protein occur in ox brain myelin in approximately the same concentration ratios as they do in complex II, formed at physiological salt concentration and pH.


Portland Press Ltd.

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