Biosynthesis of phytoquinones. Homogentisic acid: a precursor of plastoquinones, tocopherols and α-tocopherolquinone in higher plants, green algae and blue–green algae


Whistance G. R.1,Threlfall D. R.1


1. Department of Biochemistry and Agricultural Biochemistry, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, U.K.


1. By means of 14C tracer experiments and isotope competition experiments the roles of d-tyrosine, p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid, p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, phenylacetic acid, homogentisic acid and homoarbutin (2-methylquinol 4-β-d-glucoside) in the biosynthesis of plastoquinones, tocopherols and α-tocopherolquinone by maize shoots was investigated. It was established that d-tyrosine, p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid and homogentisic acid can all be utilized for this purpose, whereas p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, phenylacetic acid and homoarbutin cannot. Studies on the mode of incorporation of d-tyrosine, p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid and homogentisic acid showed that their nuclear carbon atoms and the side-chain carbon atom adjacent to the nucleus give rise (as a C6-C1 unit) to the p-benzoquinone rings and nuclear methyl groups (one in each case) of plastoquinone-9 and α-tocopherolquinone and the aromatic nuclei and nuclear methyl groups (one in each case) of γ-tocopherol and α-tocopherol. 2. By using [14C]-homogentisic acid it has been shown that homogentisic acid is also a precursor of plastoquinone, tocopherols and α-tocopherolquinone in the higher plants Lactuca sativa and Rumex sanguineus, the green algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Euglena gracilis and the blue–green alga Anacystis nidulans.


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