
Chernykh А.V.,Sedochenko S.V.,Orlov M.S.


The object of this study was the energy demands of athletes in different periods of the annual cycle. The aim of the study was to determine the daily energy consumption of athletes (on the example of the hockey team), taking into account individual activity in different periods of the annual cycle, with the ultimate goal to identify the failure of averaged calculations carried out previously for athletes. In the article the technique of calculation energy expenses athletes using the clock readings of heart rate monitors. This technique is quite easy to use and in combination with the traditional method of calculation allows to simplify and specify the calculation of energy consumption at each stage of the annual training mesocycle. As a result of the survey, the main activities of the subjects with timing in each specific period of year cycle were identified, as well as hockey players provided data of their watches-heart rate monitors, at times of physical exertion of a certain intensity. In the study, we have used somatometry (measurement of height and weight), the obtained results were processed by methods of mathematical statistics. Further, according to the formulas, the values of the daily basic exchange and the value of the basic exchange per hour were determined. On the basis of calculations and data provided, the values of energy expenditure of hockey players in each stage of the annual cycle were calculated. The analysis of the obtained data revealed a significant difference in the readings of energy consumption in the competitive, training and recovery periods, which confirms the failure of the averaged calculations conducted earlier. This technique allows to individualize the calculations of this kind, and the accounting of the results, in turn, will create the possibility of adequate replenishment of energy consumption with the help of food ration.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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