Introduction: The state biological safety system is an important component of the national security system. Handling of biological agents is always potentially hazardous. One of the types of work that poses the risk of developing laboratory-acquired
infections includes studies of infected biological models used for experimental, production and diagnostic purposes in the laboratory facilities of various agencies authorized to deal with biological agents of pathogenicity groups I to IV.
Objective: The study aimed to analyze the up-to-date regulatory, methodological and legislative framework setting requirements for technical and design features of special purpose laboratories suitable for work involving infected animals in order
to minimize health risks.
Methods: We analyzed regulatory documents and scientific publications found in bibliographic databases (Web of Science, PubMed, and eLIBRARY) using keyword searches and selected 35 sources for the present review.
Results: Special attention is paid to the design of laboratories intended for experimental and diagnostic work with biological models infected with biological agents of pathogenicity groups I and II. Both construction and reconstruction of existing
premises are carried out in accordance with the design documentation and have a number of specific features. The combination of facilities depends on the goals and objectives of the laboratory. The laboratory premises shall be provided with water
supply, special sewerage, power supply, heating, exhaust ventilation, telephone communications, as well as security and fire alarms and fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with fire safety requirements.
Conclusions: The results of analyzing the current regulatory, methodological and legislative framework governing technical
and design characteristics of special purpose laboratories suitable for work with infected animals confirm that strict compliance with the appropriate requirements enables their effective performance and guarantees safety for human health and the
environment by eliminating biological risks.
Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
Reference22 articles.
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