Thermal conductivity of urban and artificial soils: methodological aspects and mathematical modeling


Kokoreva A. A.1,Kozhunov A. V.2,Butylkina M. A.3,Dymova I. V.3,Stepanenko V. M.3,Ivanova A. E.3


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Institute of Forestry of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

2. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev

3. Lomonosov Moscow State University


There are various methods for experimental determination of the thermal conductivity dependence on soil moisture and substrates. The influence of the sample structure (monolith, bulk sample), sample temperature, the method of installing the probe into the sample on the obtained readings of the TEMPOS device was studied and methodological recommendations were proposed. The dependence of thermal conductivity of soils bulk samples and substrates on moisture is shown. The spread of thermal conductivity values in the moisture range from hygroscopic to full moisture capacity for soddy-podzolic soil is 0.229–1.430 W/(m*K), for peat – 0.250–0.521 W/(m*K), for sand – 0.280–2.605 W/(m*K), for a mixture – 0.234–1.568 W/(m*K). ). The influence of properties such as density, particle size distribution, specific surface area, organic matter content, salinity affected thermal properties to a lesser extent. The established patterns can be used to calculate the temperature regime of soils in solving a number of applied problems related to the construction of special soil objects, for example, when creating urban soil structures. For this, it is necessary either to determine the thermal conductivity experimentally, or to calculate it, using the physical parameters of soils and substrates. The first method is labor-consuming, the second is less accurate. As an example, the equations available for work in the HYDRUS-1D (Chang–Horton and Campbell) model are used. These equations either overestimate the thermal conductivity in the area of high substrate humidity, or underestimate the thermal conductivity in the area of low substrate humidity (sand, loam, peat and a mixture based on them).


V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute

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