1. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS
An experimental study of the emission of sound by droplets falling into an unperturbed liquid was performed using wideband hydrophones and a high-speed video camera. Collision of a drop with a water surface is accompanied by air entrainment and the formation of underwater gas cavities, which leads to the appearance of surface forces and fast flows, generating extreme accelerations, which are sufficient for resonant acoustic excitation of cavities and emission of sound packets. The sequence of emitted signals contains a shock pulse, as well as one or more sound packets generated by resonant bubbles detached from underwater cavities. The number of resonating bubbles varies from experience to experience, depending on the collision scenario and further behavior, including, in particular, the process of fragmentation of the primary cavities. The dimensions of the bubbles, measured on video frames, correspond to the values calculated in accordance with the Minnaert resonance frequency.
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS