Influence of Hydraulic Drive Compliance on Dynamic Loading of Forest Manipulator Mechanisms


Evsikov Ivan1,Bogdanov Dmitriy2ORCID,Popikova Alina2,Konyuhov Andrey3


1. VGLTU n.G.F.Morozova

2. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

3. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G.F. Morozova»


The article analyzes the research into the dynamics of the hydraulic drive of technological machines and equipment. It has been established that insufficient attention has been paid to the issues of the influence of hydraulic drive compliance on the dynamic loading of individual mechanisms. The purpose of the work is to assess the effect of hydraulic drive compliance on the dynamic loading of forest manipulator mechanisms when improving the layout of hydraulic cylinders based on mathematical modeling. A mathematical model of the movement of the manipulator boom is presented, taking into account the forces of inertia and the flow rate of the working fluid. A model estimate of the dynamics of the hydraulic drive and the pressure of the working fluid was made when the boom of the forest manipulator is turned. The problem was solved as part of the work on a software package for studying the pressure jumps of the working fluid in hydraulic cylinders. The evaluation results showed that the optimal points of attachment of the hydraulic cylinder to the boom and to the rotary column depend on the compliance coefficient. In a computational experiment to determine the optimal layout of the hydraulic cylinder of the lifting mechanism of the manipulator boom, according to the criterion of minimizing the pressure surges of the working fluid, the optimal points of attachment of the hydraulic cylinder to the boom b1 = 0.9 m and to the rotary column OB = 0.7 m were obtained, and when taking into account the compliance coefficient were new optimal hydraulic cylinder attachment points were obtained: b1 = 1 m, OB = 0.85 m. To interpret the model and clarify the effect of hydraulic drive compliance on the dynamic loading of forest manipulator mechanisms, it is necessary to conduct bench tests.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Medicine

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