Assessment of Corticosteroid Therapy and Death or Disability According to Pretreatment Risk of Death or Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Extremely Preterm Infants


Jensen Erik A.1,Wiener Laura Elizabeth2,Rysavy Matthew A.3,Dysart Kevin C.4,Gantz Marie G.2,Eichenwald Eric C.1,Greenberg Rachel G.5,Harmon Heidi M.6,Laughon Matthew M.7,Watterberg Kristi L.8,Walsh Michele C.9,Yoder Bradley A.10,Lorch Scott A.1,DeMauro Sara B.1,Polin Richard A.11,Laptook Abbot R.11,Keszler Martin11,Vohr Betty R.11,Hensman Angelita M.11,Vieira Elisa11,Pierre Lucille St.11,Burke Robert T.11,Alksninis Barbara11,Knoll Andrea11,Keszler Mary L.11,Leach Teresa M.11,McGowan Elisabeth C.11,Watson Victoria E.11,Hibbs Anna Maria11,Newman Nancy S.11,Wilson-Costello Deanne E.11,Siner Bonnie S.11,Friedman Harriet G.11,Truog William E.11,Pallotto Eugenia K.11,Kilbride Howard W.11,Gauldin Cheri11,Holmes Anne11,Johnson Kathy11,Scott Allison11,Parimi Prabhu S.11,Gaetano Lisa11,Merhar Stephani L.11,Schibler Kurt11,Poindexter Brenda B.11,Yolton Kimberly11,Cahill Tanya E.11,Gratton Teresa L.11,Grisby Cathy11,Kirker Kristin11,Wuertz Sandra11,Cotten Michael C.11,Goldberg Ronald N.11,Goldstein Ricki F.11,Malcolm William F.11,Ashley Patricia L.11,Mago-Shah Deesha11,Finkle Joanne11,Fisher Kimberley A.11,Gustafson Kathryn E.11,Bose Carl L.11,Bernhardt Janice11,Bose Gennie11,Wereszczak Janice11,Warner Diane11,Talbert Jennifer11,Kicklighter Stephen D.11,Bentley Alexandra11,Edwards Laura11,Rhodes-Ryan Ginger11,White Donna11,Patel Ravi M.11,Carlton David P.11,Loggins Yvonne11,Adams-Chapman (deceased) Ira11,Bottcher Diane11,Carter Sheena L.11,Hale Ellen C.11,Kendrick-Allwood Salathiel11,Mulligan LaRossa Maureen11,Mackie Colleen11,Sanders Amy11,Smikle Gloria11,Wineski Lynn11,Bremer Andrew A.11,Higgins Rosemary D.11,Wilson Archer Stephanie11,Sokol Gregory M.11,Harmon Heidi11,Papile Lu Ann11,Herron Dianne E.11,Hines Abbey C.11,Lytle Carolyn11,Smiley Lucy11,Wilson Leslie Dawn11,Tyson Jon E.11,Khan Amir M.11,Kennedy Kathleen A.11,Stoll Barbara J.11,Mosquera Riciardo A.11,Duncan Andrea F.11,Stephens Emily11,Allain Elizabeth11,Arldt-McAlister Julie11,Boricha Fatima11,Burson Katrina11,Dempsey Allison G.11,Evans Patricia W.11,Garcia Carmen11,Hall Donna J.11,Jiminez Margarita11,John Janice11,Jones Patrick M.11,Lillie M. Layne11,Martin Karen11,Martin Sara C.11,McDavid Georgia E.11,McKee Shannon L.11,Poe Michelle11,Rennie Kimberly11,Reddy Tina11,Rodgers Shawna11,Khan Siddiki Saba11,Sperry Daniel11,Pierce Tate Patti L.11,Wright Sharon L.11,Sánchez Pablo J.11,Slaughter Jonathan L.11,Nelin Leif D.11,Jadcherla Sudarshan R.11,Maitre Nathalie L.11,Timan Christopher11,Yeates Keith O.11,Luzader Patricia11,Batterson Nancy11,Baugher Hallie11,Beckford Demi R.11,Burkhardt Stephanie11,Carey Helen11,Chao Michelle11,Cira Courtney11,Clark Erna11,DeSantis Brittany11,Fortney Christine A.11,Fowler Aubrey11,Gutentag Julie11,Grothause Jennifer L.11,Hague Cole D.11,Keim Sarah A.11,Levengood Katelyn11,Marzec Laura11,McCool Jacqueline11,Miller Bethany11,Nelin Mary Ann11,Newton Julia11,Park Courtney11,Pietruszewski Lindsay11,Purnell Jessica11,Seabrook Ruth11,Shadd Julie C.11,Small Kristi11,Stein Melanie11,Sullivan Margaret11,Sullivan Rox Ann11,Warnimont Krystin11,Yossef-Salameh Lina11,Fearns Erin11,Das Abhik11,Gantz Marie G.11,Bann Carla M.11,Wallace Dennis11,O'Donnell Auman Jeanette11,Crawford Margaret11,Gabrio Jenna11,Newman Jamie E.11,Parlberg Lindsay11,Petrie Huitema Carolyn M.11,Zaterka-Baxter Kristin M.11,Van Meurs Krisa P.11,Chock Valerie Y.11,Stevenson David K.11,Hintz Susan R.11,Ball Bethany M.11,Adams Marian M.11,Bahmani Dona11,Bentley Barbara11,DeAnda Maria Elena11,DeBattista Anne M.11,Earhart Beth11,Huffman Lynne C.11,Krueger Casey E.11,Lucash Ryan E.11,Proud Melinda S.11,Reichert Elizabeth N.11,Taylor Heather11,Weiss Hali E.11,Williams Jordan R.11,Carlo Waldemar A.11,Ambalavanan Namasivayam11,Peralta-Carcelen Myriam11,Collins Monica V.11,Cosby Shirley S.11,Bailey Kirstin J.11,Biasini Fred J.11,Chopko Stephanie A.11,Domnanovich Kristy A.11,Jno-Finn Chantel J.11,Ladinsky Morissa11,Moses Mary Beth11,McNair Tara E.11,Phillips Vivien A.11,Preskitt Julie11,Rector Richard V.11,Stringer Kimberlly11,Whitley Sally11,York Chapman Sheree11,Devaskar Uday11,Garg Meena11,Purdy Isabell B.11,Chanlaw Teresa11,Geller Rachel11,Colaizy Tarah T.11,Widness John A.11,Brumbaugh Jane E.11,Harmon Heidi M.11,Johnson Karen J.11,Schmelzel Mendi L.11,Walker Jacky R.11,Goeke Claire A.11,Eastman Diane L.11,Baack Michelle L.11,Hogden Laurie A.11,Henning Megan M.11,Elenkiwich Chelsey11,Broadbent Megan11,Ellsbury Dan L.11,Bass Donia B.11,Tud Tracy L.11,Fuller Janell11,Ohls Robin K.11,Backstrom Lacy Conra11,Hartenberger Carol11,Sundquist Beauman Sandra11,Hanson Mary11,Lowe Jean R.11,Kuan Elizabeth11,Schmidt Barbara11,Kirpalani Haresh11,Abbasi Soraya11,Chaudhary Aasma S.11,Mancini Toni11,Cucinotta Dara M.11,Bernbaum Judy C.11,Gerdes Marsha11,Ghayam Sarvin11,Hurt Hallam11,Snyder Jonathan11,Ziolkowski Kristina11,D'Angio Carl T.11,Guillet Ronnie11,Myers Gary J.11,Reynolds Anne Marie11,Lakshminrusimha Satyan11,Wadkins Holly I.M.11,Sacilowski Michael G.11,Jensen Rosemary L.11,Merzbach Joan11,Zorn William11,Farooq Osman11,Maffett Dee11,Williams Ashley11,Hunn Julianne11,Guilford Stephanie11,Yost Kelley11,Rowan Mary11,Prinzing Diane11,Wynn Karen11,Bowman Melissa11,Reubens Linda J.11,Scorsone Ann Marie11,Hartley-McAndrew Michelle11,Fallone Caitlin11,Binion Kyle11,Orme Constance11,Sabaratnam Premini11,Kent Alison11,Horihan Cassandra A.11,Jones Rachel11,Boylin Elizabeth11,Rochez Daisy11,Li Emily11,Kachelmeyer Jennifer11,McKee Kimberly G.11,Coleman Kelly R.11,Wyckoff Myra H.11,Brion Luc P.11,Heyne Roy J.11,Vasil Diana M.11,Adams Sally S.11,Chen Lijun11,De Leon Maria M.11,Eubanks Frances11,McDougald Rebecca11,Payageau Lara11,Sepulveda Pollieanna11,Guzman Alicia11,Heyne Elizabeth11,Madden Linda A.11,Lee Lizette E.11,Twell Boatman Cathy11,Vera Azucena11,Waterbury Jillian11,Yoder Bradley A.11,Baserga Mariana11,Faix Roger G.11,Minton Stephen D.11,Sheffield Mark J.11,Rau Carrie A.11,Baker Shawna11,Burnett Jill11,Christensen Susan11,Cunningham Sean D.11,Davis Brandy11,Elmont Jennifer O.11,Hall Becky11,Jensen Erika R.11,Loertscher Manndi C.11,Marchant Trisha11,Maxson Earl11,McGrath Kandace M.11,Mickelsen Hena G.11,Morshedzadeh Galina11,Parry Melody D.11,Schaefer Susan T.11,Stout Kelly11,Stuart Ashley L.11,Weaver-Lewis Kimberlee11,Winter Sarah11,Woodbury Kathryn D.11,Shankaran Seetha11,Natarajan Girija11,Pappas Athina11,Sood Beena G.11,Bajaj Monika11,February Melissa11,Agarwal Prashant11,Chawla Sanjay11,Bara Rebecca11,Childs Kirsten11,Woldt Eunice11,Goldston Laura11,Barks John11,Wiggins Stephanie A.11,Christensen Mary K.11,Carlson Martha11,White Diane F.11,


1. Division of Neonatology and Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

2. Biostatistics and Epidemiology Division, RTI International, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

3. Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas McGovern Medical School, Houston

4. Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine, Nemours Children’s Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware

5. Department of Pediatrics and Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina

6. Stead Family Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa, Iowa City

7. Department of Pediatrics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill

8. University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque

9. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

10. Division of Neonatology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City

11. for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network


ImportanceMeta-analyses suggest that corticosteroids may be associated with increased survival without cerebral palsy in infants at high risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) but are associated with adverse neurologic outcomes in low-risk infants. Whether this association exists in contemporary practice is uncertain because most randomized clinical trials administered corticosteroids earlier and at higher doses than currently recommended.ObjectiveTo evaluate whether the pretreatment risk of death or grade 2 or 3 BPD at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age modified the association between postnatal corticosteroid therapy and death or disability at 2 years’ corrected age in extremely preterm infants.Design, Setting, and ParticipantsThis cohort study analyzed data on 482 matched pairs of infants from 45 participating US hospitals in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network Generic Database (GDB). Infants were included in the cohort if they were born at less than 27 weeks’ gestation between April 1, 2011, and March 31, 2017; survived the first 7 postnatal days; and had 2-year death or developmental follow-up data collected between January 2013 and December 2019. Corticosteroid-treated infants were propensity score matched with untreated controls. Data were analyzed from September 1, 2019, to November 30, 2022.ExposureSystemic corticosteroid therapy to prevent BPD that was initiated between day 8 and day 42 after birth.Main Outcomes and MeasuresThe primary outcome was death or moderate to severe neurodevelopmental impairment at 2 years’ corrected age. The secondary outcome was death or moderate to severe cerebral palsy at 2 years’ corrected age.ResultsA total of 482 matched pairs of infants (mean [SD] gestational age, 24.1 [1.1] weeks]; 270 males [56.0%]) were included from 656 corticosteroid-treated infants and 2796 potential controls. Most treated infants (363 [75.3%]) received dexamethasone. The risk of death or disability associated with corticosteroid therapy was inversely associated with the estimated pretreatment probability of death or grade 2 or 3 BPD. The risk difference for death or neurodevelopmental impairment associated with corticosteroids decreased by 2.7% (95% CI, 1.9%-3.5%) for each 10% increase in the pretreatment risk of death or grade 2 or 3 BPD. This risk transitioned from estimated net harm to benefit when the pretreatment risk of death or grade 2 or 3 BPD exceeded 53% (95% CI, 44%-61%). For death or cerebral palsy, the risk difference decreased by 3.6% (95% CI, 2.9%-4.4%) for each 10% increase in the risk of death or grade 2 or 3 BPD and transitioned from estimated net harm to benefit at a pretreatment risk of 40% (95% CI, 33%-46%).Conclusions and RelevanceResults of this study suggested that corticosteroids were associated with a reduced risk of death or disability in infants at moderate to high pretreatment risk of death or grade 2 or 3 BPD but with possible harm in infants at lower risk.


American Medical Association (AMA)


General Medicine







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