1. Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education
2. Yaroslavl State Medical University
3. Hospital for war veterans No. 2; Central State Medical Academy
4. Hospital for war veterans No. 2
The postgraduate education of doctors in the principles of rational pharmacotherapy, conducted on the educational program «Polypragmasia in a therapeutic and preventive organization: a problem and a solution» of 36 academic hours, allowed to reduce the total number of simultaneously prescribed medications in elderly patients of a cardiological profile in a gerontological hospital (the number of medications received by patients older than 75 years before and after training, respectively 9.48±2.6 vs 7.12±1.9, p<0.001). A decrease in polypragmasia contributed to a decrease in the frequency of suspected unforeseen serious adverse reactions, which included falls associated with taking medications. The simultaneous introduction of Safety Protocols, Standard Operating Procedures for identifying patients at high risk of falling and conducting incident analysis led to the analysis of each case of an elderly and senile patient falling in a hospital and a review of the treatment received.
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