

A mathematical model, methods and algorithms for the numerical solution of problems of joint gas-water filtration in porous media are considered. The mathematical model of the process of non-stationary joint gas-water filtration in a porous medium is described by a system of nonlinear differential equations of parabolic type. In the numerical solution of the boundary value problem of gas displacement by water in a porous medium, the differential sweeping method is used for systems of differential-difference equations. The system of differential-difference equations with respect to the gas pressure function is nonlinear, therefore, an iterative method is used for it, based on the method of quasilinearization of nonlinear terms. Computational algorithms and software have been developed for conducting computational experiments to study unsteady processes of gas filtration in porous media. The results of the developed software, as well as the results of computational experiments in a graphical form in visual form are given.


Uzbekistan Research Online

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