1. 1. Kyoto City Official Website;https://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/tokei/page/0000056450.html (accessed 2019.09.09).
2. 2. Bureau of Urban Development Tokyo Metropolitan Government Homepage;http://www.toshiseibi.metro.tokyo.jp/kenchiku/koukoku/ (accessed 2018.08.24).
3. 3. Yokohama City Urban Development Bureau Homepage;http://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/toshi/mm21/keikan/ (accessed 2018.08.24).
4. 4. City of Kanazawa Homepage;http://www4.city.kanazawa.lg.jp/29020/keikan/keikan/1_1_b.html (accessed 2018.08.24).
5. 5. Nonaka, K.; A study on the intention of outdoor advertisement administration in municipality by landscape plan. Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 43(3), pp.649-654, 2008. (in Japanese)