A Study on Politeness Strategies among Generation X and Y in Islamic Education Classroom


Afriyanti Naning,Fadilah Umi Takhammulil,Taufik Taufik,Sattar Abdulloh,Budianto Lestari


Communication is one of the activities most often used by humans as a social community, the communication used by someone has differences based on their respective backgrounds. one that affects the form of one's communication is generation. Generation Y and Generation X have different communication styles based on their background. The purpose of this study was to find out the strategies used by Y and X generation Y and X master students in communicating in Islamic education classroom. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, this method is used to describe data accurately and in depth. based on the results of the research, the strategy used by master students of generations Y and X is a politeness strategy, the politeness strategies of generation Y and X master students differ depending on the situation when communicating.


Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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