Using Google Academy in the formation of information competencies of future teachers


Breskina L. V.ORCID


One of the more important aspects of the formation of professional competencies of future teachers is the availability of conditions and means of implementation of this activity. Timely access to the latest educational and methodological materials is one of the necessary conditions for the formation of professional competencies, successfully provided today with the help of modern telecommunication technologies. Research on the expedient use of resources of the global Internet at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky has been conducted since 1996. But observations of the nature of the use of Internet resources by students of the Pedagogical University indicate that the independent search and selection of necessary data in the network is a more important component of the information competence of future teachers, including teachers of computer science. With the growing number of resources of the global Internet is also increasing the number of unscientific, unverified and biased data, framed through false information messages and unverified facts.


Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences

Reference2 articles.

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