Biological influence of nanotechnological j, se, s citrates in broiler chickens in the second period of rearing


Fedoruk R.ORCID,Kovalchuk I.ORCID,Tsap M.ORCID,Pylypets A.ORCID,Tesarivska U.ORCID,Shaian O.,Koleschuk O.ORCID


The research was carried out on two groups of broilers ROOS-308, divided into control (1) and experimental (2) groups, in the conditions of industrial cultivation and daily addition to water of nanotechnological citrates J, Se, S for 24-48 days of fattening. The research was aimed to identify the complex combined biological action of nanotechnological citrates J, Se, S in broiler chickens under conditions of their use for 2-3 growing periods. The 7-day changes dynamics in body weight, survival and death rate of chickens, the mass of internal organs and its correlation to chicken body mass at the day 48, the technological slaughter period, were defined as study periods. Blood and internal organs samples were taken to determine biochemical parameters and study its development by mass and mass coefficients at the slaughter period. The corrective effect of nanotechnological J, Se, S citrates on the protein indicators and mineral metabolism, growth and development of the liver, stomach, spleen and thyroid gland of chicken was identified. There was an increase in body weight gain of broiler chickens by 4-4,5 % during growth periods with the use of J, Se, S citrates and 5,2 % for day 48 of life while the mortality decreased by 0,62 % during the study period (Group 1 – 1,64 %; Group 2 – 1,02 %). The average daily gain during 48 days in the control Group 1 was 59,6 g with a body weight of 2859 g and the experimental Group 2 – 62,72 % with body weight of 3009 g respectively.


SE Institute of Grain Crops of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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