This research was carried out to determine the organizational cynicism and organizational loneliness perception levels of teachers in the distance education process. It was tried to determine whether the opinions of the teachers differ significantly in terms of gender, branch, marital status and seniority. In this context, the relatonal survey model was preferred as the research model. The universe of the research consists of teachers working in Edirne. The sample of the study consists of 324 teachers selected by convenience sampling method, which is one of the non-random sampling methods. Organizational Cynicism Scale and Loneliness at Work Scale were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics were made on the collected data. As a result of the research; it was determined that while teachers' perceptions of organizational cynicism in the distance education process differed significantly according to gender, branch and seniority variables, it did not differ significantly according to the marital status variable. It was determined that teachers' organizational loneliness perceptions differed significantly according to gender, marital status and branch variables, but did not differ significantly according to professional seniority variable. It was determined that there was a positive and moderate relationship between teachers' perceptions of organizational cynicism and organizational loneliness, and that organizational cynicism was a significant predictor of organizational loneliness. As a result of the research, it was emphasized the importance of supporting teachers' perceptions of organizational cynicism and organizational loneliness with qualitative studies, especially in terms of better understanding in the distance education process.
International Journal of Educational Research Review
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