The aim of this study to define and analyze the difficulties for the adoption of I4.0 in the white goods sector in Turkey. Firstly, difficulties of I4.0 adoption are determined and finalized by examining the literature. Then a hybrid MCDM approach consisting of the Fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (F-DEMATEL) method, the Maximum Mean De-Entropy (MMDE) technique, the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) technique and MICMAC analysis is used to evaluate relationships and interactions between difficulties. Findings show that “Lack of technological infrastructure and networks powered by the internet” and “Lack of integration of data and technology platforms” are the difficulties that have the strongest driving power, and they have direct or indirect effects on other difficulties. These are the main difficulties for Industry 4.0 adoption in white good production industry. On the other hand, “Ineffective communication and cooperation amongst supply chain participants” is found out the most affected difficulty directly or indirectly from other difficulties.