A Design Proposal for Improving Daylight Availability of a Deep-Plan Classroom by Using Tubular Daylight Guidance Systems and Movable Shading Devices






The use of daylight in educational settings has a significant impact on the well-being, attention, and academic achievement of students. However, providing adequate daylighting without glare can be difficult, especially in deep-plan layout classrooms, because daylight is not constant and its strength varies with distance from the façade, necessitating the use of additional solutions frequently. In this study, tubular daylight guidance systems (TDGS) and movable shading devices are proposed to increase daylight availability in the Yaşar University Faculty of Architecture Temporary Studio, which has a deep plan layout and receives daylight only from the southeast facade. The objective was to meet the LEED daylight evaluation requirements for each zone, which require sDA to be at least 55% and ASE to be at most 10% in the selected analysis area. To propose TDGS and movable shadings with the most efficient angles and positions; Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, and Climate Studio were used, and simulation results were validated by real-time measurements. The design proposal simulation results achieved a significant increase in daylight availability in the rear part of the room (zone 2-3), while glare was diminished near the façade (zone1). The proposed design strategy improved daylight availability through the room, demonstrating that the systems perform well together.


Politeknik Dergisi


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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