Artificial intelligence: economy, intellectual property, threats


Androshchuk HennadiiORCID


Keywords: artificial intelligence, economic impact, intellectual property, regulation,cybersecurity, risks, threats, national security Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, the spread of which is based on thewidespread use of digital information and the rapid growth of computing power, areleaving the realm of purely theoretical research and becoming one of the segmentsof the world market that can have truly revolutionary consequences. The paper provideseconomic and legal analysis of the state and trends of AI, identifies its impacton the economy, the importance of the role of intellectual property (IP), assesses therisks, threats and dangers of criminal use of AI, developed mechanisms to counterthem. The development of AI technologies as an integral part of «Industry 4.0» isconsidered, the main provisions of the «White Paper on Artificial Intelligence» ofthe EU are studied.Over the next decade, the EU plans to spend $20 billion a year on AI development.At the same time, the protection of IP rights in the context of AI development and relatedtechnologies has been unconsidered by the Commission, despite the key importanceof these rights. In legal regulation, AI is seen as a new challenge for the economyand the legal system, a new phenomenon that has a multiplier effect, a legal phenomenonin the structure of legal relations, a new object for legal regulation. The introduction of AI in the field of IP creates new legal and economic problems.The creation of AI works is an integral area of activity in the modern digital economy.These circumstances bring to the fore the problem of recognition of authorship in thecreation of AI works, the possibility of authors to dispose of their rights and their useof mechanisms for legal protection of IP. The analysis of the cases considered bycourts connected with a problem of legal personality of AI is carried out, legislative activityon this question is studied. Possibilities and dangers of criminal use of AI areshown. They are ranked in order of their level of danger — depending on the harmthey may cause, the potential benefit or the benefit of crime. Prospects for the developmentof AI in Ukraine are shown, the Concept of development of artificial intelligencein Ukraine is analysed. It is concluded that AI should become one of the key driversof digital transformation and overall growth of Ukraine's economy.


Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine







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