The rate of collection of embryo fibroblast single cells by an embryo fibroblast monlayer was realted to the H-2 haplotype of the fibroblast monolayer. The rate was highest for the H-2s strains and lowest for the H-2k strains with all other strains examined being intermediate. As opposed to monolayers prepared from the A and C3H background animals, monolayers from B10 background mice only demonstrated an H-2 haplotype dependent rate differential after treatment with fetal calf serum or neuraminidase. The relationship that was seen between monolayer H-2 haplotype and rate of adhesion with embryonic monolayers was not observed with either congenic 3T3 cell lines or fibroblasts derived from adult tissues. It was further shown that the rate of single cell pick-up could be substantially reduced by incubating the monolayers with the appropriate polyspecific anti-H-2 antisera. The inhibition observed appeared to be directly related to anti-H-2 antibody binding and was not merely a function of ligand binding to the cell surface, as antisera directed against other fibroblast cell surface antigens did not significantly inhibit the adhesive rate. These results indicate a role for the H-2 gene complex in modulating fibroblast-fibroblast intercellular adhesion.
Rockefeller University Press
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54 articles.