Iraq is located between geographic coordinates 33 00 N, 44 00 E, and occupies a
total area of 437,072 square kilometers. Land forms 432,162 square kilometers
while water forms 4,910 square kilometers of the total area. Iraq is bordered by
Turkey from the north. Iran from the east, Syria and Syria from the west, and Saudi
Arabia and Kuwait from the south. Iraq can be divided according to the nature of
the land terrain into 4 regions (Mountain Region, Plateau and Hills Regions, The
Mesopotamian plain and Jazera and Western Plateau). The climate is mainly of
continental, subtropical semi-arid type. The mountain region is of Mediterranean
climate. In general, rainfall occurs from December to February or November to
April in the mountain region. During winter the average daily temperature is about
16oC dropping at night to 2oC with possibility of frost. In summer however, it is
very hot with an average temperature of over 45oC during July and August dropping
to 25oC at night.
Keywords: Topography, Climate, Iraq.
Scientific Press International Limited
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