Features and Perspectives of the Market of Information and Communication Technologies’ Functioning in Data-Driven Society


Volkov YevgenyORCID,Pochtarev AndriyORCID


The article is intended to define the conceptual prospects for the development of the information and communication technologies market in a data-driven society. According to the results of the study, it was established that the implementation of innovative technological startups for the reorganization of information and communication networks using modern switching equipment, characterized by high performance, remains a relevant and global task for the development of the target market. This will provide potential opportunities for providing a high level of service to several numbering zones at once and maintaining the availability of a wide range of information and communication services in the modern conditions of digitalization of society. It was determined that the sphere of communication and information occupies an important place in the economic and social revival of Ukraine. Broad access to significant amounts of information and database management ensures the efficiency of organization and management of state, production and non-production processes of economic activity, thereby expanding the possibilities of successful business, optimizing costs and ensuring a high level of economic and information security of the business entities. The information and telecommunications market were analyzed and the activity of participating operators was diagnosed. It has been studied that in a data-driven society, the success of achieving goals in the digital development of information and communication enterprises directly depends on global information influence. A significant reduction in the number of telecommunications operators and providers was analyzed. It was determined that small operators of the target market are not able to ensure the appropriate level of quality, availability and continuity of service, in connection with which a significant part of the target audience switches to the services of large providers. Based on the analysis of the main indicators of the development of the information and communication technologies market, the main promising directions of development based on the formation of income from a diverse pool of services are determined.


NGO "Research and Educational Innovation Center of Social Transformations"

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