Application of scales and questionnaires in clinical medicine


Kazimirova O. V.1,Yugay M. N.1,Zhaparkul B. D.1,Batyrbekova L. S.1,Uakhitova Zh. T.1,Lenkovets N. A.1


1. Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»


The article provides an overview of modern assessment scales, questionnaires and questionnaires that are necessary in the clinical practice of an internist to measure diseases and in the preventive work of a family doctor to identify social risk groups, assess people's health status and the effectiveness of treatment. Evaluation tools are designed to interview patients at face-to-face consultations and are especially useful in the daily activities of a primary healthcare worker, as they form knowledge about the health status of the family, the problems of the wards, their socially significant diseases, allow interpreting the quality and lifestyle of family members, documenting the severity conditions, the severity of symptoms of diseases and the level of their control, to predict short-term and long-term outcomes of nosologies. The use of reliable questionnaires and scales enables the doctor to individually approach the choice of treatment, recommendations and rehabilitation strategies, achieve optimal results, as well as adequately select patients and determine risk groups in clinical trials. Diagnosis of latent forms of diseases using questionnaires is especially relevant in the era of personalized medicine, deepens the specialist’s own understanding of the patient, improves understanding of disease phenotypes, corrects targeted therapeutic approaches, replenishes electronic register databases, and improves screening accuracy.


Karaganda Medical University

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