1. Universitas Negeri Jakarta
This study aims to produce a volleyball learning model for disabled students aged 10-12 years by developing a model that is easily adapted to the physical form. This research is a type of development research used the Borg and Gall model. The subjects of this study are disabled students aged 10 – 12 of 7 specific or exclusive elementary schools grades 4, 5, and 6. Developing or validating model products in the field for physically disabled students is the product of this study. Evaluation by experts using two physical education experts and one learning expert, furthermore we conducted small-scale trials involving questionnaires, consultations, and evaluations. The development results show that the sitting volleyball game learning model is suitable for use and the t test results show that Sig 0,001 < 0.05. These results show that the volleyball model training method is effective in improving the physical fitness of disabled students when compared to conventional training. The conclusion obtained in this research is that the sitting volleyball for disabled students aged 10-12 years is a model that is easily adapted to the physical movement form of students with special needs.
Universitas Muhamamdiyah Jember
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences
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