1. Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Çeviribilim (Almanca) ABD
Translation plays a dominant role in establishing open dialogue between people. The contributions of the verbal hypotheses to the social structure make it possible for a homogeneous whole to emerge, while eliminating the limits under the leadership of translation. In order to understand the dynamic nature of language, it is essential to surrender to its content. In intercultural communication, literary translations increase the acceptance of communities by feeding their boundaries. For this reason, analyzing, understanding, interpreting and translating cultural elements is among the most important parables, as well as producing important innovations in the establishment of the essence. Specifically, for this study, the target text prepared by the master translator Ute Birgi with the work of the esteemed Sabahattin Ali, who is known for his pen in the Turkish literary literature, Madonna in a Fur Coat, the classification of cultural elements by translation scientist Peter Newmark and translation studies researcher Lawrence Venuti will be examined comparatively in the context of "domestication" and "foreignization" translation strategies. Translation decisions will be clarified by examining which of these two translation strategies is preferred more in the translation of cultural elements. In the transformation process of translation, ensuring the transfer of borders with cultural elements within the meaning enables a new construction in the target culture and contributes to the provision of semantic closeness with functional equivalents. The structures towards which linguistic phenomena are directed in the act of translation, which is inherent in the culture, increase the intelligibility of the nature within specific systems.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Arastirmalari Dergisi
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