1. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU
This article aims to use feminist and collective literary criticism to analyze the novel Aitaren etxea by making use of the polyphony of voices and a polyhedral gaze. In this multiple crossing of looks and voices, we have first listened to the author, Karmele Jaio. Afterwards, we have carried out the geographical itinerary that accompanies this work. Finally, we have carried out a dialogic gathering with a reading group. We have transcribed and analyzed the three tools using the NVIVO 12 software. Thus, we have made use of qualitative research to approach the literary text. As a conclusion we can appreciate that this piece of research is a process of meaningful learning.
Literatur kritika feminista eta kolektiboa erabiltzea dugu xede Aitaren etxea eleberria aztertzeko, ahots polifonia eta begirada poliedrikoa direla bide. Ahots nahiz behatze anitz horretan, lehenik, Karmele Jaiori entzun diogu. Bigarrenik, liburuaren sorkuntzan dagoen ibilbide geografiko esanguratsua gauzatu dugu. Azkenik, liburuaren inguruan idazlerik gabeko tertulia dialogikoa egin dugu irakurleon artean. Hiru tresnak transkribatu eta analizatu dira NVIVO12 softwarea erabiliz. Horrela, ikerketa kualitatiboaz baliatu gara literatur testuetara hurbiltzeko eta ondorio nagusi bezala esan genezake ikerketa bera irakaskuntza esanguratsura eramateko proposamen interesgarria bilakatu dela.
Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Cultura y Deporte
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics
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1 articles.