1. Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü
This study examines the dynamics of social inclusion and exclusion of people with disabilities while also interrogating the changing meanings of normality, subjectivity, and equality with a focus on the concepts of capability and accessibility. The study, sheds light on the expectations of and challenges faced by disabled people trying to achieve a content life while examining the conditions for a more egalitarian society that embraces disabled people. According to current estimates, there are more than a billion disabled people around the globe. In this sense, many people with disability face multiple barriers, exclusion and stigmatization while accessing social, physical and economic fields throughout their lives. Disability is a human rights concern because people with disabilities experience violations while exercising their fundamental rights. This qualitative study was conducted in Izmir, in 2015 through in-depth interviews with 12 participants with orthopedic disabilities. The study, in line with the contemporary paradigm of disability, reveals that disability is a relational issue that requires a holistic approach as it is not only a physical issue but also a sociocultural phenomenon that people experience due to their interactions as well as social and institutional perceptions of disability.
Stratejik ve Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi
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