1. 1. Nasrudin Abdul Rahim and Suhana Mohd Said, Sustainability Issues of the Association for Engineering Education in Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific (AEESEAP) Activities, Proceedings of the International Session, 54th Annual Conference of JSEE, August, 2006, Kitakyushu, Japan
2. 2. R M Hodgson, The aims and goals and the past present and future activities of AEESEAP, Proceedings of the International Session, 55th Annual Conference of JSEE, August, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
3. 3. Hajime Fujita, The Renewal of AEESEAP and Future Plans, Proceedings of the International Session, 57th Annual Conference of JSEE, August, 2009, Nagoya, Japan
4. 4. Hajime Fujita, AEEESEAP Workshop Seminar on Washington Accord Accreditation Introduction, Proceedings of the AEESEAP Workshop-Seminar on Washington Accord Accreditation, May 2010, Metro Manila, Philippines
5. 5. Reynaldo B. Vea, Description of the International Accreditation Bodies and their Inter-relationships, Proceedings of the AEESEAP Workshop-Seminar on Washington Accord Accreditation, May 2010, Metro Manila, Philippines