The origin of Baribis Fault and its relationship to the dynamics of Sunda Arc


Abdalla Hanief Ajib,Khalifa Nasywa Dhia,Lestari Cyntia Adrian,Mukti M. MarufORCID,Gibran Akhmad Khahlil,Fadlin Fadlin


Based on analyses of published geological cross sections along the Baribis Fault, we briefly review several possible mechanisms of this backarc thrust that developed behind the volcanic arc in western Java. There is no general agreement regarding the mechanisms of the backarc thrust. Therefore, the origin of this fault remains uncertain. Previous works proposed that the backarc thrust in western Java may have developed as deformation of paleo-accretionary wedge sediments behind a continental backstop, inverted normal fault, northward migrating thrust belt, and thrusting due to gravitational sliding of the volcanic arc. However, evidences supporting those mechanisms still need to be elucidated. Detailed examination of the available geological data might suggest that backarc thrusting in western Java may have formed due to stress transfer through rigid arc blocks. The far-field stress from the subduction zone is propagated through remnants and modern volcanic arcs and finally, deformed sediments in the Bogor Trough that nucleated as backarc thrust.


National Research and Innovation Agency







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