Development of Air Driver Seat for Use in M3/N3 Class Vehicles


Kılınç SongülORCID,Akbaba UğurORCID,Çakmak FidelORCID,Turp İlkerORCID


At the present time, due to the high density of the population and the increase in traffic problems, the extend of the time spent on the road often forces people to prefer public transportation. It is most important to ensure the safety of the passenger in the vehicle. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to ensure the health, safety and comfort of the vehicle driver as a priority. Especially in long distance transportation, it is important to increase the time spent on the road, the correct driving position of the driver and the movements suitable for ergonomics are important in terms of not losing the workforce. Health and risk are always associated with occupational diseases. Vehicle drivers are at high risk for discomfort from long term sitting positions and vehicle vibration. In this study, a design that will improve ease of use, ergonomics and comfort for bus and truck drivers has been developed within the scope of ISO 16121-1:2012 directive for M3/N3 class vehicles. Dynamic and static load vibration analysis simulation (FAE) was applied with the ANSYS program on the CAD drawings of the developed driver's seat. Revisions were made according to the inconsistencies encountered in the vibration analysis simulations performed under dynamic load and the analysis was repeated. Prototype production was carried out to ensure the accuracy of the design. The works for the vibration tests, which will correspond to the bad road test equivalent to 1,000,000 kilometers over the prototype, are continuing. All other validation tests were applied to the prototype produced driver's seat and positive results were obtained.


Orclever Science and Research Group

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