Contribution of nitrergic nerve in canine gingival reactive hyperemia


Shimada Shigeru1,Todoki Kazuo2,Omori Yoichi1,Toyama Toshizo3,Matsuo Masato4,Wada-Takahashi Satoko1,Takahashi Shun-suke1,Lee Masaichi-Chang-il5


1. Department of Oral Science, Kanagawa Dental University

2. Department of Nursing, Junior College, Kanagawa Dental University

3. Department of Infection Control, Division of Microbiology, Kanagawa Dental University

4. Department of Tissue-Engineering, Institute for Frontier Oral Science, Kanagawa Dental University

5. Yokosuka-Shonan Disaster Health Emergency Research Center & ESR Laboratories, Graduate School of Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University


The Society for Free Radical Research Japan


Clinical Biochemistry,Nutrition and Dietetics,Medicine (miscellaneous)

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