Comparison of Awareness Level about Breast Cancer Risk Factors, Presentations, and Screening Rules and Tools: A Cross-sectional Study on General Female Population


Moridi Atefeh,Mahmoodi Sudabeh,Rahmati Nayereh,Fathi Marzieh,Naeiji Zahra, , , , ,


Farname, Inc.


Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Oncology,Embryology,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

Reference26 articles.

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2. Global cancer statistics

3. Awareness Levels about Breast Cancer Risk Factors, Early Warning Signs, and Screening and Therapeutic Approaches among Iranian Adult Women: A large Population Based Study Using Latent Class Analysis

4. American Cancer Society. Breast Cancer Facts and Figures 2009-2010. Atlanta, Ga, USA: American Cancer Society; 2009.

5. Screening for Breast Cancer







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