Selection of productive early maturing cotton genotypes with improved fibre quality parameters


Makhmadjanov Sabir,Tokhetova Laura,Daurenbek Nurman,Dyamurshayeva Galina,Makhmadjanov Djanibek


The purpose of this article was to study productivity and fibre quality of different cotton genotypes under conditions of Turkestan region of Kazakhstan to determine the most promising genotypes for commercial cultivation. Four genotypes were selected: Tashkent-6, Maktaral-5027, Namangan-1 and Bukhara-8. The study included analysis of such parameters as germination and sprouting time, plant height, flowering and maturity time, yield, number of bolls and fibre quality characteristics. The results showed that Tashkent-6 and Maktaral-5027 had the best parameters: yield 3.8 t/ha and 3.5 t/ha, flowering time 55 days and maturity 120 days, plant height 120 cm and 115 cm, number of bolls 45 and 42. The fibre quality of these genotypes was also high: length 32 mm and 31 mm, tensile strength 30 g/tex and 29 g/tex, fineness 2.5 dtex and 2.6 dtex. Namangan-1 and Bukhara-8 genotypes showed moderate results: yield 3.2 t/ha and 3.0 t/ha, flowering time 60 days and ripening time 130 days, plant height 110 cm and 105 cm, number of bolls 40 and 38, fibre length 30 mm and 29 mm, tensile strength 28 g/tex and 27 g/tex, fineness 2.8 dtex and 2.9 dtex. Statistical analysis confirmed the significance of differences between genotypes. The results of the study confirmed high productivity and fibre quality of genotypes Tashkent-6 and Maktaral-5027, which makes them promising for commercial cultivation in Kazakhstan, while genotypes Namangan-1 and Bukhara-8 also have potential for certain agronomic conditions


Scientific Journals Publishing House







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