Tools of Conducting Strategy of Institutional Transformations in Industrial Complex in Conditions of Digital Economy


Boev A. G.1


1. Analytical Center of the Government of the Voronezh Region


The article deals with tools of introducing strategy of transformation at industrial enterprises and complexes in conditions of digitalization. It puts forward the author’s definition of the organizational-economic mechanism of conducting strategy of institutional transformations in industrial complex as a goal-oriented system of means, technologies, processes, resources and methodological tools that give an opportunity to carry out planned strategic changes and realize well-balanced managerial, functional, digital, innovation-technological, structural and other transformation of the enterprise to step-up its long-term competitiveness. The author substantiated the goal of development, principles of building, parameters of scientific-methodological and resource support, as well as other aspects of the mechanism of conducting strategy of transformations. Mechanism of algorithm self-diagnosing was designed, which helps control and analyze effectiveness of reforms, speed of transformation in comparison with average-market values, changes in the level of innovation activity and digitalization of the industrial complex, structure of personnel involvement in the process of strategic changes and dynamics of entropy in the enterprise economic system during the transition period. The article puts forward the system of industrial complex personnel involvement in the process of transformations and resistance smoothing, which can mobilize and use personnel of the enterprise to carry out reforms. The requirements to devising organizational-economic mechanism of conducting strategy of transformations were fixed, the most important of which is reliability, adaptability, integrity, efficiency and technologic character. Findings of the research can be used as scientific-methodological and managerial tools to carry out system transformation of industrial enterprises in conditions of digital economic.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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