Influence of micronutrient fertilizers and growth regulators on soybean yield under the conditions of Primorsky Kray


Dubkov A. A.1,Timoshinov R. V.1,Kushaeva E. Zh.1,Klykov A. G.1


1. Federal Scientific Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaikа


Relevance. In 2021–2022, in Primorsky Krai (Timiryazevsky village), the influence of foliar top dressing Zn, Cu, Mg in chelated form («Terra Master» LLC, Russia), monokalium phosphate («Buisk Chemical Plant», JSC) was studied on the experimental fields of the Department of Agriculture and Agrochemistry of the A.K. Chaika Federal State Research Center for Agrobiotechnologies of the Far East, Russia), B (boric acid) («Delta» LLC, Russia), liquid micronutrients («Agro Expert Group» LLC, Russia), Boro-N, Fertix B, Potassium Lignohumate B for crop formation and protein content in soy beans of the Breeze variety.Methods. The treatment of crops with micro fertilizers was carried out in the phase of «2–3 triple leaves» and in the phase of «flowering» in the recommended norms.Results. It was found that the use of non-root fertilizing affected economically valuable signs. The highest yield when applying non-root fertilizing was noted in the variant with the introduction of Zn 31.2 c/ha in the phase «2–3 triple leaves», Boron-H 37.0 c/ha in the phase «flowering». Non-root top dressing had a positive effect on the accumulation of protein in soy grain. The maximum protein collection from 1 ha was obtained when using Boro-N in the flowering phase – 2.96 t/ha.


Agrarian Science


General Medicine

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