Quantum Theory of Soul


Sha Zhigang,Xiu RulinORCID


The pursuit of scientific research on the soul has garnered increasing attention, yet progress has been limited. We propose that to scientifically study the soul, one must first provide it with a precise scientific definition. In this paper, we delve into the process of defining the soul scientifically and employing quantum physics to study and predict its character, qualities, and behavior. Building upon our previous work, which presented a novel interpretation of quantum physics suggesting that everything at its core is a quantum vibrational field carrying information, energy, and matter, we put forward the concept that the soul is the content of the information carried in one’s quantum vibrational field. With this definition in mind, and drawing upon the principles of quantum physics, we outline seven predictions about the soul: 1. SOUL AS ESSENCE: The soul is posited as the essence of one’s existence, determining every aspect of life. 2. CONTINUITY OF SOUL: The soul may persist on its journey beyond the cessation of the physical body. 3. ETERNAL NATURE: Despite the limitations of the physical body, the soul can be eternal and boundless. 4. REMOTE INTERACTION: Individuals can connect with, communicate with, and influence other souls remotely. 5. EXISTENCE OF AKASHIC RECORDS: A universal quantum vibrational field, known as the Akashic Records, contains information, energy, and matter about everything. 6. EXPLANATION OF SPIRITUAL ABILITIES: Spiritual abilities like intuition, telepathy, and psychokinesis can be scientifically elucidated. 7. PURPOSE AND MEANING: The soul imbues life with purpose and meaning. These predictions align with widespread spiritual wisdom and offer the potential for experimental verification. Our quantum theory of soul aligns with monism, positing that the soul, spiritual heart, mind, energy, and matter are all interconnected aspects of a unified existence—the quantum vibrational field. It also supports panpsychism, suggesting that everything possesses varying degrees of soul, consciousness, and other attributes. This framework expands scientific inquiry beyond physical matter and energy to encompass soul, consciousness, and spiritual phenomena. Importantly, it bridges the gap between science and spirituality at a fundamental level, aligning with both spiritual wisdom and the discoveries of quantum physics.


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