Good coverings of proximal Alexandrov spaces. Path cycles in the extension of the Mitsuishi-Yamaguchi good covering and Jordan Curve Theorems


Peters James FrancisORCID,Vergili TaneORCID


This paper introduces proximal path cycles, which lead to the main results in this paper, namely, extensions of the Mitsuishi-Yamaguchi Good Coverning Theorem with different forms of Tanaka good cover of an Alexandrov space equipped with a proximity relation as well as extension of the Jordan curve theorem. In this work, a path cycle is a sequence of maps h1,...,hi,...,hn-1 mod n in which hi  : [ 0,1 ] → X and hi(1) = hi+1(0) provide the structure of a path-connected cycle that has no end path. An application of these results is also given for the persistence of proximal video frame shapes that appear in path cycles.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi"

Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche, Geometriche e le loro Applicazioni

Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu


Universitat Politecnica de Valencia


Geometry and Topology

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