Development and evaluation of interdisciplinary preoperative patient education in foot and ankle surgery: immediate effects on knowledge, satisfaction and anxiety / Entwicklung und erste Evaluation eines präoperativen interdisziplinären Schulungskonzeptes für Patienten/-innen der Fußchirurgie: unmittelbare Effekte auf Wissenszuwachs, Zufriedenheit und Angst


Schäfer Axel1,Jettkowski Katrin2,Kretschmann Julia2,Wurg Marco2,Stukenborg-Colsmann Christina3,Plaaß Christian3


1. Hochschule Bremen, Fakultät Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Studiengang Angewandte Therapiewissenschaf-ten Logopädie und Physiotherapie , Neustadtswall 30, 28199 Bremen , Germany

2. Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK) Hildesheim, Fakultät Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit, Masterstudiengang Ergotherapie, Logopädie, Physiotherapie , Goschentor 1, 31141 Hildesheim , Germany

3. DIAKOVERE Annastift, Orthopädische Klinik der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover (MHH) , Department Fuß- und Sprunggelenkschirurgie , Anna-von-Borries- Str. 1-7, 30625 Hannover , Germany


Abstract Background and objective Foot and ankle surgery is increasing due to demographic and lifestyle changes. Most often, patients are required to unload their foot postoperatively, resulting in signifcant impairment of activities of daily living without adequate preparation for this situation. The aim of the study was the development and evaluation of a preoperative patient education intervention. Methods Based on current research, a patient education intervention was developed. To investigate immediate effects, a longitudinal study with two points of measurement before and after the education session was conducted. Outcomes were increase in knowledge, satisfaction and preoperative anxiety, which were measured with a selfdeveloped questionnaire. Additionally, five short interviews were conducted. Results 56 patients (63% female) with a mean age of 56,7 (SD=14,8) years were included. Patients had a signifcant increase in knowledge following the intervention from mean 3,93 (SD=1,78) to 5,48 (SD=2,29) correctly answered questions (out of 10). Patients felt that they were better informed and more satisfied with the information provided. Patients evaluated the way of information delivery, the content of information, the group and the location as positive.The expectations of patients relating to postoperative load-bearing capacity and coping with everyday life as well as preoperative anxiety did not change following the intervention. Conclusion The education intervention could be implemented in the clinical routine and showed positive effects. However, regarding realistic expectations and preoperative anxiety no change was observed. Long-term post operative effectivity and effciency of patient education should be further examined within a randomized controlled trial.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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