The (Post-)Communist Orient: History, Self-Orientalization and Subversion by Michał Witkowski and Vladimir Sorokin


Artwińska Anna1


1. Universität Leipzig Institut für Slavistik Beethovenstr.15 D-04107 Leipzig Germany


Summary This article analyses two literary texts: Barbara Radziwiłłówna z Jaworzna-Szczakowej by the Polish author Michał Witkowski (2007) and Sakharnyi Kreml’ by the Russian author Vladimir Sorokin (2008) in the context of postcolonial studies. I treat the terms coined by post-colonial critique, such as orientalism, orientalization, subversion or mimicry as not only ideological categories, but also as aesthetic and narrative ones. These tools turn out to be useful in the interpretation of both these texts which, despite the differences between them, may be read as examples of post-dependence narration, which articulate issues in connection with identity-related problems of modern Polish and Russian cultures. Both Witkowski and Sorokin subversively employ auto- and heterostereotypes and avail themselves of the strategy of self-orientalization, which enables the play on foreign notions regarding, respectively, Polish and Russian culture and collective identity. The novel by Michał Witkowski ironically, perversely addresses national complexes associated with the systemic transformation of 1989 and takes the floor in the discussion on post-communism. In turn, Sakharnyi Kreml’ by Vladimir Sorokin is an example of a futuristic dystopia, in which criticism of Putin’s Russia commingles with reflections on the non-autonomous and non-independent status of own culture which, in the year 2028, continues to reproduce foreign discourses and finds it difficult to articulate its own position.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Literature and Literary Theory,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Cultural Studies

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