CFD modelling of flashing flows for nuclear safety analysis: possibilities and challenges


Liao Yixiang1ORCID


1. Institute of Fluid Dynamics , Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf e.V. , Bautzner Landstraße 400 , 01328 Dresden , Germany


Abstract Because of its relevance for the safety analysis of pressurized water reactors (PWR), many research activities on flashing flows in pipes and nozzles arose from the mid of last century. Most of them have been focused on the critical mass flow rate and transient pressure or temperature fluctuations by means of experiments and system codes. Since the beginning of this century, owing to the increase in computer speed and capacity, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is being used more and more in the investigation of flashing flows, which has the advantage of providing three-dimensional insights in the internal flow structure as well as its evolution. This work presents an overview of relevant flashing scenarios in the nuclear safety analysis, and focuses on the discussion about possibilities and challenges of using CFD modelling. It is shown that a two-fluid model with the thermal phase-change model is superior to a mixture model with pressure phase-change, relaxation and equilibrium models, respectively, in terms of interfacial mass transfer, however, efforts are still required to improve the interphase heat-transfer model. Furthermore, since flashing is accompanied with high void fraction and broad bubble size ranges, a poly-disperse two-fluid model is recommended, but the effect of phase change on bubble coalescence and breakup needs further research. In addition, during flashing the flow pattern may change from single phase to bubbly flow, churn flow, annular flow, and even mist flow. The rapid change of interfacial topology as well as its influence on the applicability of closure models remains a challenge.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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