EPR on bis(1,2-dithiosquarato)cuprate(II) in the bis(1,2-dithiosquarato)nickelate(II) host lattice – structure and spectroscopy‡


Strauch Peter,Kossmann Alexander,Kelling Alexandra,Schilde Uwe


EPR spectroscopy is a well suited analytical tool to monitor the electronic situation around paramagnetic metal centres as copper(II) and therefore the structural influences on the paramagnetic ion. 1,2-Dithiosquaratometalates are available by direct synthesis from metal salts with dipotassium-1,2-dithiosquarate and the appropriate counter cations. Synthesis and characterisation of bis(benzyltributylammonium)1,2-dithiosquaratonickelate(II), (BzlBu


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Materials Chemistry,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Chemical Engineering,Biochemistry,General Chemistry

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